Nature trail Karlovy Vary – Svatosske skaly – Loket
The nature trail Doubí – Svatosske skaly is focused on the history of settlement, archeology, mining, geology and ecology. Its length is about 14 km.

Nature trail – Karlovy Vary spa forests
The nature dendrological trail is focused on the history and botany of spa parks.

Nature trail Bozi dar – Baby Jesus Trail
Baby Jesus Trail walking through the beautiful landscape around Bozi Dar. Depending on the age or physical fitness of the child, we can choose from two areas of Baby Jesus trail.

Bozi dar peat bog trail
Bozi dar peat bog trail is 3.2 km long and offers 12 informative stops. The trail focuses on history, geology, forestry, ecology, zoology and botany.

Mountain nature trail – Hrebecna – Ryzovna
The nature trail focuses on history, mining history and geology. The Hrebecna - Ryzovna mountain nature trail leads between Abertamy and Horni Blatna.

Nature trail – Andelska Hora – Kyselka
The Andelska hora - Kyselka nature trail focuses on natural attractions, geology and history. The 10 km long trail starts in Andelska Hora behind the church by the stairs to the castle ruins. You can make a few more "turns" from the basic route and extend the trip by up to 8 km.